Why are Envertica different?
Traditional Solutions:
Many companies simply purchase additional hardware in an attempt to achieve the performance that they had anticipated. Some are even turning to acceleration devices that mask these performance problems much like a supercharger masks a poorly tuned car.Products like Riverbed's WAN accelerators or F5's BIG-IP web accelerator are often added to the hardware mix, but add a further layer of management complexity by their existence. However, in both of these scenarios, the underlying problem that generated the need still exists, now –however -under a deeper layer of hardware and complexity.
Our Solution:
Using a simple holistic OS optimisation approach Envertica tune each individual OS setting (server, network, application or user device) to make them work cohesively, and at close to their rated speeds.
Envertica periodically test to ensure that the tuning parameters still deliver optimum performance based on type of usage, and recent modifications
Then Envertica perform all changes within the manufacturers supported specifications.
Our technology partner, Veloxum developed its software to automate this OS optimisation. After performing initial tuning it periodically checks every OS under management to ensure that they continue to perform optimally.
Contact a consultant today on +44 (0) 207 1835905 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and see how Envertica can help you to deliver innovation to your business.