Solutions for Storage Managers
Storage connectivity becomes faster and easier to manage with Virtual I/O. Connect any server to any storage device, free of the constraints of physical cards and cabling. Fibre Channel, iSCSI, NAS can now be deployed to whichever server needs them, and quickly re-deployed when requirements change. Resource scaling, failover, and disaster recovery are simplified. Changes can be implemented in seconds, without the need to physically enter the datacentre.Virtual I/O replaces fixed resources (Host Bus Adapter cards, NICs, and cabling) with simple-to-manage virtual resources (virtual HBAs and NICs). Benefits include:
• Connect any server to any storage type, in seconds
• Remotely manage configurations
• Deliver a more predictable user experience with configurable quality-of-service
• Pre-assign LUNs to virtual host bus adapters for fast configuration
• Connects to conventional FC SAN, iSCSI, or NAS.
Why Virtual I/O
Pre-configure LUNs to accelerate storage provisioning: Rather than waiting for the servers to arrive, pre-provision LUNs to a virtual HBA. When the server is available, simply deploy that virtual HBA to that server in a simple one step process.
Reduce SAN re-mapping: Virtual I/O lets you avoid SAN re-mapping when configurations change. Accommodate equipment failures in seconds by re-deploying resources. WWNs are persistent and portable among servers, so you're always prepared. With Virtual I/O, connections can remain persistent, regardless of the underlying hardware.
Get a predictable user experience: Envertica helps you maintain a consistent user experience with Quality of Service (QoS) management. Each virtual HBA can be configured with individual QoS parameters.
Get scalable I/O for blades: Most blade systems have physical constraints that limit the number of I/O connections per blade. With virtual I/O, storage resources can be deployed as needed, up to 32 virtual NICs and 32 virtual HBAs per blade.
Enhance iSCSI and NAS performance with dedicated networks: Accelerate Ethernet storage by configuring dedicated networks for storage. Storage can access 20Gb of bandwidth when needed, without the cost of connecting 10G Ethernet or multiple FC connections to every server.
Boost virtual machine performance: Server virtualisation boosts utilization, but can create I/O bottlenecks. Ensure a consistent user experience with Envertica's integrated storage QoS controls.
Get I/O isolation in virtualised servers: VMware recommends dedicated I/O resources for critical VMs. Virtual I/O lets you deploy what you need where you need it. When you dedicate a virtual HBA to a virtual machine, you achieve the same isolation as you would with a dedicated physical HBA.
Less need for open zoning: For some users, VMotion may violate storage management policies because of the requirement for open zoning. With Envertica, I/O can be migrated with the VM, allowing the application to move from one server to another without I/O restrictions and without the need for open zoning.
Reduce costs: With traditional I/O, a single port HBA may cost £500. With Xsigo, adding a virtual HBA costs a fraction of that, reducing the cost of deploying SAN connectivity. And unlike traditional I/O, a virtual HBA can be deployed on-the-fly, and migrated among servers to accommodate changing requirements.
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