Hybrid Cloud Data Protection
A tailored Hybrid Cloud solution for both Physical and Virtual servers.
Unstructured Data continues to grow at an exponential rate with millions of video, audio and document files created every single day. Structured data continues to hold important business information and data analysis is becoming an important business tool to many organisations. It costs money to create, store and manage this data but what value is placed upon the ability to protect and restore this data in the event of a failure?
With many businesses running a separate backup solution for their Physical and Virtual environments, the restore mechanisms of traditional backup technologies can mean potential downtime in the order of hours, days or even weeks. Businesses must ask themselves whether they can continue to backup using the same old methods or act to ensure that their ever changing environment is properly protected.
To protect your data, Envertica have partnered with both EVault & Unitrends to offer a tailored Hybrid Cloud solution for both Physical and Virtual servers. We take the pain and complexity out of Backup and allow you to focus your time on your business.
Your Deployment Options:
Hardware Appliance: Backup, archive and disaster recovery in a single hardware applinace.
Software: Securely, efficiently, quickly, reliably, and automatically back up your multi-platform (Microsoft Exchange, SQL Server, Oracle, etc.) and physical and virtual server environments, onsite and remotely.
Cloud Protection: Built in replication offers you the ability to target either your own 2nd appliance in a private cloud or our remote EVault service.
Key Features and Benefits:
Aggresive Data Reduction: Deduplication and compression for your protected data.
Absolute Recovery: Bare Metal restore for your servers, applications and operating systems.
Disk-to-Disk-to-X..: Your choice of chosen target. The "x" can stand for Cloud, (D2D2C) Disk, (D2D2D), Tape (D2D2T), NAS or SAN.
Disaster Recovery: Off-site and cloud-based vaulting for your data and systems.
Maximum security: Full encryption for your protected data. Inside your firewall (AES, 3DES, Blowfish), over the wire (AES, SSL), and at rest in the vault.
Incremental Forever: Incremental backup with point-in-time recovery.
Instant Recovery: Automatically restore failed VMware and Windows systems in less than five minutes.
Virtual & Physical Protection: No separate product needed to protect your virtual systems.
Considering a change to your Backup & Restore policy?
Alternatively, please contact Envertica today on 01285 610038 and share your thoughts and challenges with a consultant.